Rabu, 20 September 2017

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now as a personal injury attorney who is constantlybombarded by people who may have been in an accident last week, last month, last year. some people have very significant injuries,some people may have more soft tissue type injury. how do you make a determination as to thecases that you accept?

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do you have a formula? obviously you want people to be happy withyour services. how do you make that determination as to ifthis is a case that you're going to be able to help that person?

jonathan, that's a great question, and it'sa hard question. in some cases, well the first issue is, isthere liability? you can talk to the person and you can geta pretty good feel for was the other person...just because the other person was cited by thepolice doesn't necessarily mean that they were...the other person was at fault. but you can hear the facts, get the policereport preliminarily. or just even over the phone, make a prettygood determination that there's responsibility...sometimes there may be partial responsibility, but clearlyyou can pretty well decide...you get a rear end collision, left of center, t-bone intersection,failure to yield the right of way...so you

want to know what the liability is, and thenof course you want to know was there significant car damage. we all know jonathan, all these seminars thatwe've seen -- low impact, soft tissue cases where there's no car damage and you can spenda heck of a lot of money getting experts, and people can get hurt. the cars are built so good now that they takethe bulk of the hit, but it's really really hard to convince a jury when you look at acar and see no car damage at least on one of the cars because cars can underride. so i usually am looking for some type of significantdamage -- the bumper, cover underneath the

bumper has been bent -- something like that. and then of course, how fast have they goneto the doctor? did they start going the day of? that's the ideal situation. if they get a broken and severe injury, they'rein the hospital -- those are the kind of cases i take and i can add value. now the ones that are a close call or aremaybe somebody's been trying to handle the case themselves for a little while -- it'sbeen about 4 months out, the insurance company is starting to jerk them around, they're gettingthe picture.

they come in and they've really only seenthe doctor a couple of times. maybe they did go to the emergency room. that may or may not be a case that i can takeunless i can with my intuition and judgement kind of think well is this just a strain ora sprain that's going to heal up or are they

car hire sydney campbelltown,having radiating pain down extremity and itcould be a disc injury, then that can be very severe and serious -- i may go ahead and takethat case and follow it. and maybe they get better in 6 weeks, buti think they need somebody in there to help guide them.

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